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 Заголовок сообщения: Young Actor Theatre "IMAGE" presents "BOOMERANG"
СообщениеДобавлено: Вс авг 13, 2017, 23:13 
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Young Actor Theatre "IMAGE" presents "BOOMERANG"
For the first time the performance will be in ENGLISH

Maria moves from the village into the city to stay with her brother Zac.
Zac is head of a group of “Goth” teenagers, whose beliefs and choices of life irritate Alex -the leader of a gang named “Guns”. Constant clashes and growing conflict between the group culminate in a battle call. Alex persuades his named brother Tony to join the fight with “Goths”. During a Dance night Alex and Zac organise their final fight…Tony meets Maria…
They instantly fall in love, but Zac and Alex are set to be mortal enemies for life…

09-10 September 2017 at 16.00pm
Phoenix Theatre,101 Glenhuntly Rd, Elwood
Tickets Price::$30.00

Tickets Bookings:

09/09/17 :
10/09/17 :

Web Site:

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